Alexandra Blum, ‘Radiant Spring’ , graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42cm, 2022
News: ‘Radiant Spring’ will be included in the exhibition ‘London Trees’, at Lauderdale House, London, 29th March - 24th April 2023. Click here for further information about the show and an invitation to the Private View on 29th March, I’d love to see you there!
About ‘Radiant Spring’: Made in early April, I wanted to draw the way Laycock Green seemed to glow with new growth and activity.
The two horizontal branch tips, one dark, one light, entering from the right, are the same branch drawn a few days apart, from slightly different positions. I was so surprised when the bulbous buds peeled open to reveal many small flowers, each on a thin stalk.
I wanted to continue looking as closely as I could, and tried to draw each flower and bud as specifically as possible. It was an attempt to create a record of individual, brief flowerings.
Scroll down to see close ups of ‘Radiant Spring’ ...
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Radiant Spring’ , graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42cm, 2022
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Radiant Spring’ , graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42cm, 2022
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Radiant Spring’ , graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42cm, 2022
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Radiant Spring’ , graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42cm, 2022