Alexandra Blum, ‘Summer commuters’, graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42 cm, 2021.
During the summer months the main path through the Green becomes alive with strolling commuters, en route to the station or high street. There was a rhythmic energy to their movement, as if the commuters were forming a never-ending procession.
Scroll down to see close ups of ‘Summer commuters’ ...
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Summer commuters’, graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42 cm, 2021.
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Summer commuters’, graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42 cm, 2021.
Alexandra Blum, Detail from ‘Summer commuters’, graphite on paper, 29.7 x 42 cm, 2021.