Alexandra Blum, ‘Factory’, graphite on paper, 42 x 59.4cm, 2023. Photo credit: John Howard Davies
This drawing was made over several high tides, recording the way the river then becomes busy with barges taking aggregate up river, waste down river, ships bringing goods to the Tate and Lyle factory, and leisure yachts, all taking advantage of the deeper water. Meanwhile there is a regular flow of planes taking off from City airport, behind the factory. This vehicular activity is juxtaposed with the birdlife taking place on the warehouse rooftops. The vertical lines in the foreground describe my open studio window, with the handle in the position I had left it in, when opening it a few moments before it became part of the image.
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Alexandra Blum, Detail from: ‘Factory’, graphite on paper, 42 x 59.4cm, 2023. Photo credit: John Howard Davies
Alexandra Blum, Detail from: ‘Factory’, graphite on paper, 42 x 59.4cm, 2023. Photo credit: John Howard Davies
Alexandra Blum, Detail from: ‘Factory’, graphite on paper, 42 x 59.4cm, 2023. Photo credit: John Howard Davies
Alexandra Blum, Detail from: ‘Factory’, graphite on paper, 42 x 59.4cm, 2023. Photo credit: John Howard Davies
Alexandra Blum, Detail from: ‘Factory’, graphite on paper, 42 x 59.4cm, 2023. Photo credit: John Howard Davies