‘Looking out to sea, Brighton’ on show in the SFSA Drawing Open 2024, at no format Gallery, London, 10th - 12th & 16th -19th May 2024.
Above: Looking out to sea, Brighton, 2024, graphite on paper, 24 x 30 cm (framed dimensions), £350
I’m very much looking forward to exhibiting my drawing ‘Looking out to sea, Brighton’ in the SFSA Drawing Open 2024 exhibition.
The Private View takes place on Thursday 9th May, 18.00 - 20.30, at no format Gallery, Studio NF01, Casting House, Moulding Lane, Deptford, London, SE14 6BN.
If you would like to join us at the Private View, please contact me for further details. We’d love to see you there!
The show will also be open:
10th - 12th May, 12.00 - 18.00
16th - 19th May, 12.00 - 18.00 (alongside SFSA Open Studios)
Keep reading to find out more about the drawing I’ll be exhibiting….
I love the sea, and miss it often. So, sometimes, I jump on a train to the coast to get my fix of gazing towards the horizon and topping up on salt filled air. 'Looking out to Sea, Brighton' (above), which I'm showing in the SFSA Drawing Open 2024, was made from the beach in Brighton, during a spontaneous seaside trip in February.
Above: DETAIL from Looking out to sea, Brighton, 2024, graphite on paper, 24 x 30 cm (framed dimensions), £350
The sun was blazing, even though low in the sky, creating a dazzling pathway of light across the water. I wanted to draw the journey my eyes were taking towards the horizon, travelling from my own boots, as I sat on the steeply shelving shingle, to the distant wind turbines and yachts, via the figure at the water's edge, breaking waves and passage of reflected light.
Above: DETAIL from Looking out to sea, Brighton, 2024, graphite on paper, 24 x 30 cm (framed dimensions), £350
It felt as though the wind turbines were pinning down the horizon, preventing water and sky from merging.
Above: DETAIL from Looking out to sea, Brighton, 2024, graphite on paper, 24 x 30 cm (framed dimensions), £350
Despite it being a relatively calm day, large waves were repeatedly breaking on the shoreline.
Above: DETAIL from Looking out to sea, Brighton, 2024, graphite on paper, 24 x 30 cm (framed dimensions), £350
I loved the challenge of finding a way to draw the motion of the waves as they reached the shore. I focussed on the moment each wave broke, simultaneously dragging the remnants of the previous wave underneath it, and drew a little more with each successive wave.
Above: Looking out to sea, Brighton, 2024, graphite on paper, 24 x 30 cm (framed dimensions), £350
Here's a reminder of the whole drawing. I hope you'll be able to drop in and see it at the SFSA Drawing Open 2024.
2024 will be the fifth SFSA Drawing Open. It's a celebration of mark making and, with small, affordable work by 100 artists, it's a fantastic way to add diverse new work to your collection.
Image credit: Victoria Sills
Don’t forget, if you would like to come to the Private View on 9th May, please contact me for further details. Hope you’ll be able to drop in and see the show!